Just like most online games, Clash of Clans has a chat system.
Through the chat system one can input commands and communicate with
other players, but sometimes chat gets clogged and messy, so it becomes
distracting. Most online MMORPG have methods of making the chat window
as small as possible, so it doesn’t become distracting.But Clash of Clans does not have that exact function. Although one could clear chat by leaving and entering the game,
this proves to be annoying and one can not interrupt a game session
just to clean the chat window. To be able to clear the window, one can
do the following trick:
Youtube Link To Play
Youtube Link To Play
How To DO
- Open any Note On Your Device .
- Write /ClearChat and press “Return” about more then 50 times
This creates a large blank paragraph. This way you can paste this in
any conversation or chat, and it will technically “clear” the screen of
- Copy the whole page
- Open or switch to Clash of Clans
Go back to your game and “Paste” the paragraph on the chatbox anytime you wish to clear the screen.